Air Dryers

Chicago Pneumatic Air Dryers

Sized to handle 12 to 2472 CFM, the CPX dryers fit any application. Extremely quiet and reliable, CPX dryers deliver dry air with minimal pressure drop.
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A perfect complement to the RCP reciprocating compressor. With a maximum inlet temperature of 180°F, no aftercooler is required.
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Saturated compressed air enters the dryer and passes over the desiccant, where moisture in the air is adsorbed onto the desiccant beads providing dew points of at least -40°F.
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Air Line Filters

Chicago Pneumatic Filters

To protect your compressor, equipment and processes, CP Compressors has developed a complete range of particulate, coalescing and adsorbing filters which efficiently reduce all types of contamination with minimal pressure drop. The innovative filtration solutions will suit the high quality air requirements of your specific process, while protecting your equipment and compressed air network from harmful contaminants.
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Oil/Water Separators

Beko Oil/Water Separators